What I Built:
Fightlike Python MongoDB
An open-source, keyword-based, fighting games' character recommender, and Mastodon bot.
What I Wrote:
Fightlike File: How I Built a Mastodon Bot 10/23
An account of why and how I built Fightlike
SEO Basics: A Quick Rundown 02/23
A brief guide to ranking higher on search engine result pages.
Lightweight CSS: Tips to Stay Classless 06/22
An argument for classless CSS, with code examples.
Where to Find Me:
- 💻 Code: git.sr.ht/~mohab
- 📨 Email: [email protected]
- 📱 Phone: +201097374321
- 💼 Hire Me: freelancer.com/u/mohabmetwalli